Quick, easy & effective homemade toilet Bombs / Toilet Cleaning Blocks

The problem with cleaning in the home is that most commercial cleaners are full of chemicals that can, not always, but can affect people with allergies, breathing issues and more. If you follow my blog you know that I make my own washing powder and my own all round cleaning spray. But what about our toilets?

Our loos are a breeding ground for germs, we know this for a fact, so usually our go to cleaners are full of harsh chemicals and bleach but what if there was a natural way of keeping it under control without all the nasty chems? Well why not try my quick, easy and effective homemade toilet bombs! Naturally antibacterial and they fizz away all your toilet nasties!

This recipe made 36 large toilet bombs, depending on how big your moulds are, if they are smaller, and more like an ice cube size, it would easily make about 45-50!



Add the bicarbonate of soda and citric acid into a non metal bowl and mix with a non metal spoon.

Add oils drop by drop and mix/

Add water very very slowly (will fizz a bit) and mix everything until it resembles wet sand and clumps together. Add less or more water until you get to this stage.

Add to moulds (silicone ice cube trays are the best size!), push down firm and leave to dry for a out 4-8 hours.

Take out of moulds and keep in an air tight container Pop a block down the loo overnight (in the actual toilet bowl) and let it do it’s stuff! Flush away the next morning and use your toilet as normal!

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