Antibacterial & Natural Household Cleaner Recipe UK – Make Your Own Home Cleaning Spray

Hello lovelies!
With 3 asthmatics, 2 eczema sufferers and 1 person allergic to almost everything in our house, it is really important that we use as many natural products as possible. But not only this, we just think is just a better way to live, and it’s cheaper too 😉
Keeping our house clean is a must, as it should be, especially as there are 6 adults living in our house (Myself, hubby and 4 grown up kids), a dog, a cat and a snake, as well as a muddy veg patch in the garden and frequent trips to our allotment. There is always comings and goings and quite often with mud, compost and soil everywhere.
Our household cleaner recipe is completely natural, very cheap to make and is an incredibly effective cleaner as well as being naturally antibacterial. It’s a general all round household cleaner and you can use it pretty much anywhere (some people say not to use on marble as it can cause scratch marks, but we have been using it for years on our marble kitchen work tops and never had a problem) just like Dettol spray or Flash spray for example.
I have included 2 recipes for you. Both extremely easy to make and both natural, version 2 just has a little extra antibacterial super charge 😉
We use white vinegar as part of this and I am not going to lie, when you spray this, you will smell vinegar HOWEVER, because this is white vinegar and not the malt vinegar you sprinkle on your chips, the smell only lasts a couple of minutes and then there is no trace at all of the smell. Thank goodness!
Version 1
Makes 10 x 500ml spray bottles

- A 500ml spray bottle (emptied out used bottle is great, let’s get recycling!) (or 10 x 500ml bottles if you want to make them all up in one go) – FREE
- 5 litres of white vinegar – £3.20 per 5l or £12.79 for 4 x 5l)
- 8 large oranges – £1
- large bowl with lid (and another bowl for straining into after!)
- Empty the vinegar into the large bowl
- Every time you eat an orange, save the peel and add it to the bowl OR peel all the oranges and pop the peeled oranges into the fridge to eat later or use in another recipe, you can also freeze peeled oranges!
- Put the lid on the bowl and let sit for 1-2 weeks until the vinegar starts to take on an orangey tint. Stirring or gently shaking to mix every couple of days.
- After 1-2 weeks, remove all the orange peel from the vinegar and strain the vinegar through a sieve to remove any orange pith particles into another bowl.
- Decant the strained liquid into your bottles either one at a time and popping the lid back on each time of the big bowl or if you have 10 bottles decant it all in one go.
- Use as an when needed just like your normal day to day household cleaning spray.

The Homesteading House Recipe – per 500ml spray bottle = 42p
Supermarket own brand = £1
Mainstream well known brands = £1.50-£3
Version 2 – Antibacterial Super Charged
Makes 10 x 500ml spray bottles

- A 500ml spray bottle (emptied out used bottle is great, let’s get recycling!) (or 10 x 500ml bottles if you want to make them all up in one go) – FREE
- 5 litres of white vinegar – £3.20 per 5l (12.79 for 4 x 5l)
- 8 large oranges – £1
- 2ml sweet orange essential oil – 40p per 2ml (£1.99 for 10ml)
- 3ml tea tree essential oil – 60p per 2ml (£1.99 for 10ml)
- large bowl with lid (and another bowl for straining into after!)
- Empty the vinegar into the large bowl
- Every time you eat an orange, save the peel and add it to the bowl OR peel all the oranges and pop the peeled oranges into the fridge to eat later or use in another recipe, you can also freeze peeled oranges!
- Add 2ml of sweet orange essential oil and 3ml of tea tree essential oil to the mix and stir thoroughly.
- Put the lid on the bowl and let sit for 1-2 weeks until the vinegar starts to take on an orangey tint. Stirring or gently shaking to mix every couple of days.
- After 1-2 weeks, remove all the orange peel from the vinegar and strain the vinegar through a sieve to remove any orange pith particles into another bowl.
- Decant the strained liquid into your bottles either one at a time and popping the lid back on each time of the big bowl or if you have 10 bottles decant it all in one go.
- Use as an when needed just like your normal day to day household cleaning spray.
The Homesteading House Recipe – per 500ml spray bottle = 52p
Supermarket own brand = £1
Mainstream well known brands = £1.50-£3
Have fun making this and once you realise that it cleans just as good as the supermarket and big brand versions then you’ll love this natural formula (and saving money too!).
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